Because our top priority is to keep ALL OF YOU safe and to do our part to slow the spread of the virus, WHILE the needs of the hungry (here in Durham and worldwide) are greater than ever

We are introducing…

The VIRTUAL CROP Hunger Walk


What does that mean??

You and your team should NOT gather at Duke Campus on Sunday, April 5th. It’s just too risky.

So what SHOULD you do?

First – Be sure to set up your Walk page online (if you haven’t already) so that you don’t have to handle cash and checks and to make it easy for people to join your virtual team/donate to you.

Along with your team, come up with an alternative way to participate. Continue to recruit walkers and get sponsors, as always, just for an alternative activity.

Like what??

Here are a couple ideas team captains have suggested:

  •  Plan a hike on a local trail where social distancing is possible – share about it on social media and in emails.
  • Contact one of our local recipient agencies to see how you can help with their changing volunteer needs.
  • Get people to sponsor you NOT to walk.
  • Ask individual walkers to come up with their own activity, and PLEASE share your/their ideas with us to perhaps inspire other walkers.

Have your team (or individual walkers) video themselves talking about why they participate in the CROP Walk and why it is important to them. Post it using #EndHungerNow and #VirtualDurmCROPWalk. (The National CWS office may share it!

Remember to wear your T Shirts! Make sure to tag your friends and potential donors and include your personal/team fundraising page link.

This is new to all of us, and we welcome ideas and suggestions about how to virtually bring everyone together while we help as many hungry people here in Durham and around the world as we possibly can. We are being called to step up to make a REAL difference – our local agencies and CWS will need our support even more after this crisis is over.

Let’s keep holding each other in the light. Stay healthy and inspired. It is more important now than it has ever been.

Note: Shirts will still be available every Friday from 2-4 and Saturday from 9:30 – noon at the trailer behind St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 1200 W Cornwallis Rd) until April 4th.