Advocate and Educate

End Hunger Games

Family Dinner Lesson

During the END Hunger Games, set an extra place at your table – and leave the plate empty.  Let this be a reminder to everyone at the table that while you are fortunate to have the food that you need, there are those going hungry, and those that are at risk for hunger.  Discuss being grateful and what you can do to help feed those who are hungry.


Be a Hunger Voter and Advocate

For ways to advocate for Hunger relief, visit the Bread for the World Site.

Be sure to tell your representative #IAmAHungerVoter.


Pledge to Vote to End Hunger for the 2016 Election

Add your voice to others asking political leaders to make fighting hunger a higher priority in the 2016 election.

Take the pledge


How well do you know the Foods in a Typical School Cafeteria Lunch?

Take the Secret Life of Lunch Foods quiz and see how much you really know about lunch foods!

brought to you by Feeding America