You can make contributions to Durham CROP Hunger Walk securely on-line.

Click on the “Donate” button below to be connected to the 2020 Durham CROP Hunger Walk on-line giving site. You will then be able to make your donation in support of a Walker, a Team, or simply make a general donation. Follow the step-by-step instructions to make a donation to the 2020 Durham CROP Hunger Walk.

Click on the “Register” button below to create a new team  of walkers, register yourself for this service, join an existing team of walkers or just make a general donation to the Durham CROP Hunger Walk.

Donate to the Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Register for the Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Our 45th Durham CROP Hunger Walk

Take a look at a few photos from the 2019 Durham CROP Hunger Walk


Downloadable Team Materials and Documents will be available here soon!


46th Durham CROP Hunger Walk - April 5, 2020

Save The Dates - Durham CROP Hunger Walk 2020Team Captains for the Durham CROP Hunger Walk are encouraged to attend one of the two scheduled Kick-Off rallies to get information and pick up materials for their teams.


Thursday, February 20th Team Captain Kick-Off Rally

5-7 pm at First Presbyterian Church

Walk-in. Captains can come anytime during two hours and visit stations for resources and information. This rally is recommended for experienced captains, but is open to everyone.


Saturday, February 22nd Team Captain Kick-Off Rally

10:00 am-noon at First Presbyterian Church

The format for this rally is a sit down meeting. Recommended for new captains.

We will have two Guest Speakers: Alex Morse (via Skype) discussing CWS Project in the Dominican Republic and Russ Pierce, ED at Housing for New Hope who, along with a client family, will speak about the difference CROP support has made for them.